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ICMarkets Partner – Enjoy attractive partner programs



ICMarkets Partner – Enjoy attractive partner programs

Do you want to make money from referring clients to the world’s leading CFD forex broker? Do you want to receive a high commission? Do you want to have a stable income from the transactions of the customers you introduce? Do you want to be supported by a professional and enthusiastic partner management team? If the answer is yes, then you should not ignore the ICMarkets Partners program. Through this article. IC Trading will introduce traders to ICMarkets’ affiliate program. Please join us through the article below to find out!

Should I become an ICMarkets Partner?

The Partners program is a cooperation program of ICMarkets. A reputable CFD foreign exchange provider in Australia. To participate in this program. First, you must know what benefits it brings. Next, we will present it to you.

What are ICMarkets Partners?

This program allows you to earn money from referring new customers to ICMarkets. You will receive commissions from that customer’s transactions. You just need to register a partner account on the ICMarkets website. Then use the marketing tools they provide. You can also track and manage the performance of referred customers. Through the partner dashboard. You can also connect with ICMarkets customer support. To get detailed information help and support.

What are ICMarkets partners?
What are ICMarkets partners?

What are the benefits that ICMarkets Partners brings?

The benefits are as follows:

  • High Commission

You can earn high commissions from 10 to 50 USD. For each trading lot of the referred customer

  • Effectively manage trading activities

You can track and manage the performance of referred customers. Through the partner panel

  • Professional support

You can receive professional support from ICMarkets’ partner management team

  • Free tools

The platform will provide free marketing tools to use. Like banners, logos, videos, articles, email templates, and tracking links

  • Expand your network

You can set up a doubling of your customer network. By participating in events and seminars organized or sponsored by ICMarkets

How many classifications do ICMarkets Partners have?

Currently, there are 3 main classification types:

IB ICMarkets

This is the most basic type of partner, just need to introduce customers to ICMarkets. You will receive commissions from that customer’s transactions. Commissions are calculated according to the number of lots traded, from 10 to 50 USD per lot.

IB ICMarkets
IB ICMarkets
  • ICMarkets Partner Commission with IB

ICMarkets Partners Commission has two main types of trading accounts: Standard and Raw Spread. For Standard accounts. Partners will receive 0.4 pips per standard lot traded. For Raw Spread accounts. Partners will receive 2 USD for each standard lot traded. However. Several other websites also offer commission reduction services to ICMarkets partners. For example, ICMarkets FX. Where partners can get a 21% commission reduction using their ID code.

Affiliate ICMarkets

ICMarkets Affiliates are trading individuals or organizations. Participate in the cooperation program of ICMarket’s foreign exchange trading platform. One of Australia’s largest and most prestigious exchanges. ICMarkets Affiliates are responsible for introducing customers to ICMarkets. Then, commissions will be received from that customer’s trading activities on the floor.

Affiliates ICMarkets
Affiliates ICMarkets
  • Commission for Affiliate according to CPA level

Cost per action or in short, CPA. That is the cost per qualified user action or conversion. Such as completing the registration form, downloading application software, making purchases, participating in events… After clicking on the advertisement placed on the linked page.

Commissions for Affiliates by CPA level may vary. Depending on each industry, each product, each service, and each Merchant program. Some general principles for determining Commission for Affiliates according to CPA level are:

  1. Commissions for Affiliates at the CPA level are often higher than for other forms. Not the same as CPM (Cost per Million) or CPC (Cost per Click). Because CPA requires users to take specific actions. It’s not just about watching or clicking on ads.
  2. Commission for Affiliate by CPA level depends on the difficulty of the action the user must perform. The more difficult, the higher the value. For example, the CPA for purchases will be higher than the CPA for subscriptions
  3. Commission for Affiliate according to CPA level is also related to the value of the product. Or the service that the Merchant provides. The higher the value, the higher the commission. For example, the CPA for selling a car is higher than for selling a book

>>> See more: ICMarkets Review: Trading Platform and top advantages

ICMarkets White Label Partnership

This is a more advanced type of partner. You can use ICMarkets’ trading platform with your brand. This partner can decide the spread and transaction fees themselves. Or other terms for our customers. This partner also receives commissions from customer transactions. At the same time, you can receive technical and marketing support from ICMarkets.

The floor’s support for ICMarkets Partners

Partners are responsible for introducing customers to ICMarkets. Then receive commissions from that customer’s trading activities. To support partners in business development. ICMarkets offers many different types of support, including:

  • Provides a variety of tools and resources for work. To assist partners in promoting and tracking their progress. For example, banners, links, landing pages, email templates, videos, reports.
  • Provide incentives and promotions for partners. For example, reducing commissions, increasing sharing rates, hot bonuses, etc
  • Provide trading account types suitable to the needs of partners and customers. For example, the Standard account, and Raw Spread account. Or a White Label account.
  • Providing modern and convenient trading platforms, such as MT4, MT5, and cTrader
  • Provides convenient and fast deposit and withdrawal methods. For example, Internet Banking, Visa card, PayPal, Skrill e-wallet, Neteller, FasaPay…
  • ICMarkets Partners provides 24/7 support to its partners and clients. You can communicate via email, phone, or online chat.
Support ICMarkets Partners
Support ICMarkets Partners

Experience for IC Markets brokerage campaign

If you want to become a partner of ICMarkets. You can participate in the exchange’s partnership program, called ICMarkets Partners. To gain experience in the ICMarkets brokerage campaign. You can read through some of the following suggestions:

  • Learn about ICMarkets floor

You need to learn the necessary information and terms about IC Markets. Such as trading account types, trading products, and trading fees. Or the trading conditions, licenses, and regulations of the floor. You need to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of ICMarkets. To be able to introduce customers accurately and convincingly.

  • Set up social channels about ICMarkets Partners

Create a website, blog, fan page, and YouTube channel. Or any media channel to promote ICMarkets. You can write reviews, comparisons, instructions, and share experiences about IC Markets. Or the exchange’s trading products. You can also create engaging and interesting content to attract customers. For example, poems, short stories, and funny videos. You need to ensure that your content is quality, honest, and transparent. At the same time, it does not violate copyright or the law.

  • Use free tools from ICMarkets

Use tools and resources provided by Partners. Aimed to support your brokerage campaign. You can use banners, links, landing pages, email templates, videos, and information channels. Provided by ICMarkets to place on your website or media channel. You can also track statistics on clicks, registrations, and transactions. Or transaction information of customers introduced by you. Through the ICMarkets Partners dashboard.

Free tools from ICMarkets Partners
Free tools from ICMarkets Partners
  • Participate in IC Markets’ incentive programs

Participate in incentive programs and promotions of ICMarkets. To increase income for you and your customers. You can receive incentives such as reduced commissions, increased sharing rates, hot bonuses… When you achieve the goals set by ICMarkets. You can also introduce your customers to interesting offers from the exchange. For example, free commissions, bonuses, gifts… When they open an account and trade with ICMarkets.

  • Establish lasting relationships

Maintain good relationships with your customers and ICMarkets. You need to take care of your customers. By providing them with useful information, answering questions, and resolving complaints. Or encourage them to trade more or give advice. You also need to regularly contact IC Markets support. To update yourself with things you need to know. Or receive timely support and solve problems that arise.

Establish lasting relationships
Establish lasting relationships


Partners ICMarkets is a multipurpose combination program. The program combines ICMarket’s foreign exchange trading platform and partners (affiliate or IB). To introduce customers to ICMarkets. At the same time, receive commissions from that customer’s trading activities. This program of ICMarkets is a great opportunity. For those who want to make money from the foreign exchange field.

Through the above article. IC Trading has given brokers an overview of ICMarkets Partners. Various types of commissions from the floor, and attractive partner programs. Or the benefits and experiences it brings. Wishing brokers will have more useful information and successful trading on ICMarkets!

>>> See more: Instruct with an ICMarkets open account swiftly

3 FAQs about ICMarkets Partners

Below are 3 FAQs about ICMarkets Partner that you may be interested in:

How to Become a Partner?

You need to register a Partner account on the ICMarkets website. You will need to fill in some personal information and choose the partner type (affiliate or IB). Fill in your security questions and choose the currency for your wallet. Then agree to the requirements and conditions of the program.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account. Once activated, you will be able to access the ICMarkets Partners dashboard. Where you can view information about clicks, registrations, and transactions. Or commissions from investors introduced by you.

How are the roses? How to calculate?

Commissions for IC Markets Partners depend on the customer’s trading account type. Recommended by you. ICMarkets offers two main types of trading accounts. These are Standard and Raw Spread. For Standard accounts. Partners will receive 0.4 pips per standard lot traded. For Raw Spread accounts. Partners will receive 2 USD for each standard lot traded.

However. Several other websites also offer commission reduction services to ICMarkets partners. For example, ICMarkets FX. Where partners can get a 21% commission reduction using their ID code. Commissions are calculated in real-time and transferred to partners’ wallets. Immediately after the customer they introduced completes the transaction order.

What is the floor’s support for ICMarkets Partners?

The floor’s support for Partners includes:

  • Allows partners to access professional tools and resources. To assist partners in promoting and tracking their progress. For example, banners, links, landing pages, email templates, videos, reports, etc
  • Provide incentives and promotions for partners. For example, reducing commissions, increasing sharing rates, hot bonuses, etc
  • Provide trading account types suitable to the needs of partners and customers. For example, Standard account, Raw Spread account, and White Label account.
  • Providing modern and convenient trading platforms. Examples include MT4, MT5, and cTrader.
  • Provides diverse and fast deposit and withdrawal methods. For example, Internet Banking, Visa card, PayPal, Skrill e-wallet, Neteller, and FasaPay.
  • Provide 24/7 support to partners and their customers. You can communicate via email, phone, or online chat.


Nếu bạn đã hoàn thành các bước đăng ký và gửi các giấy tờ xác minh, thì thời gian xử lí yêu cầu đăng ký ICMarkets sẽ rất nhanh. Chỉ trong vòng 24 giờ bạn sẽ sở hữu tài khoản của mình.

ICMarkets Deposit Bonus là một chương trình khuyến mãi đặc biệt của sàn Forex ICMarkets. Qua đó, sàn sẽ thưởng bạn một khoản tiền khi nạp tiền vào tài khoản.

Rebate ICMarkets là một chương trình hoàn trả phí giao dịch cho khách hàng của sàn Forex ICMarkets. Cho phép bạn nhận lại một phần phí giao dịch mà bạn đã trả cho sàn.

Mr. William

Mr. William

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     Advantages of ICMarkets floor

  • Year of establishment: 2007
  • License: ASIC, FSA, CySEC, SCB
  • Low commission fees
  • Spreads are extremely low
  • Many of the most advanced tools

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