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The most effective way to become an ICMarkets Affiliate



The most effective way to become an ICMarkets Affiliate

Affiliate ICMarkets is gradually becoming a bridge, linking new investors to the foreign exchange trading playground. Here, you can perform all Forex transactions through effective tools and features. Please follow the information below to learn how to implement affiliate marketing at IC Trading

What is an ICMarkets Affiliate?

This is a marketing program, connecting new investors with the ICMarkets foreign exchange trading platform. This marketing is done through brokers. Brokers provide information and documents related to the floor to customers. At the same time, send the referral code for customers to complete the account registration process. Based on the referral code, brokers can earn attractive commissions. 

ICMarkets affiliate program
ICMarkets affiliate program

The mission of ICMarkets as an Affiliate

Some core tasks you need to know before implementing Affiliate include: 

  • Register a marketing account on IC Trading 
  • Learn carefully about information about the floor, ICMarkets Swap fees, and products provided by ICMarkets 
  • Know how to build reputable and quality marketing channels 
  • Take advantage of the tools available on ICMarkets to support effective promotion 
  • Understand and know how to support new customers when encountering problems during the transaction process 
  • Monitor Affiliate ICMarkets strategies to better understand and promptly improve

The Role of Affiliate on ICMarkets

  • Perform related operations to attract new potential customers. From there, the exchange market is expanded.
  • Contribute to the product promotion of ICMarkets foreign exchange trading floor
  • Support consulting and introducing new customers to features, uses, and ways to trade on ICMarkets
  • Contribute to building a systematic marketing network with the aim of reaching many new investors 
  • Helps monitor and improve the exchange’s product marketing strategy
  • Create another source of income for brokers at ICMarkets

What are the benefits of IB ICMarkets or Affiliate ICMarkets?

Many investors in the new stage of entering the financial market often have the same questions about how to approach it. Besides, the benefits from the program are also sought after by many brokers. Among them, there are two popular forms of marketing: IB ICMarkets and Affiliate ICMarkets. So which method is more beneficial for brokers?  

Benefits of joining affiliate ICMarkets
Benefits of joining affiliate ICMarkets

Earn commissions from Affiliates on ICMarkets

Brokers in the role of affiliates introduce products and services of IC Markets. Can use social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Email,… or communication channels such as websites, blogs,… After reaching new customers and generating transactions, the broker will receive the corresponding commission level. Revealing that the commission level when working as an ICMarkets affiliate is extremely attractive.  

>>>See more:  Instruct with an ICMarkets open account swiftly

Increase reputation for ICMarkets partners

With IB ICMarkets, the focus is on developing relationships between brokers and investors. ICMarkets partners specialize in consulting and introducing customers to better understand the market. From there, make the right decisions in professional trading sessions. Through that, brokers also receive a corresponding commission. 

In general, both forms have their own advantages. If you want profitable marketing, you should choose Affiliate instead of IB ICMarkets. If you want to focus on building sustainable relationships, you should choose IB ICMarkets. However, to work effectively, equip yourself with good basic knowledge!

Frequently asked questions about ICMarkets Affiliate

During the process of being an Affiliate ICMarkets, the broker himself must monitor and take care of his customers. At the same time, he is also a friend who helps new investors answer questions about the ICMarkets foreign exchange trading platform. 

Answering some questions about ICMarkets Affiliate
Answering some questions about ICMarkets Affiliate

Is being an Affiliate like multi-level?

The answer that IC Trading gives you is “No”. Being an Affiliate is a form of marketing, introducing new investors to trade at ICMarkets. There is absolutely no requirement for customers to deposit money or introduce new participants. 

How much is the ICMarkets partner commission?

ICMarkets partner commission at ICMarkets depends on sales. Besides, commission levels also vary depending on the product and each broker’s agreement with the floor. 

What specific support does the ICMarkets Affiliate Program have?

Some tools supported for the Affiliate ICMarkets Program include: 

  • Tracking links (Tracking links) 
  • Referral Codes (Customer referral codes) 
  • Advertising Banner (Advertising Banner)
  • Report and tracking (Regular reporting and tracking) 
  • Support from Professional (Technical support team)  

Tips to be a successful ICMarkets Affiliate

Being an Affiliate ICMarkets is a great opportunity for those who know how to take advantage of the opportunity. Connecting customers to the ICMarkets trading floor brings in large commissions. From there, you can have more passive income while building many quality relationships. 

Tips to become a successful ICMarkets affiliate
Tips to become a successful ICMarkets affiliate

Build personal credibility

To access many quality customer files, the broker must first establish its reputation. This is also the decisive factor that determines your success. So how to build personal credibility? 

  • Learn and research in depth about ICMarkets: Understanding products and services is extremely necessary. Based on that knowledge, you can easily advise and convey sufficient and correct information to customers. From there, it helps you create a professional working style for yourself. 
  • Professional customer support: During the process of connecting customers and ICMarkets, you will encounter some problems. Therefore, you as a broker as an Affiliate ICMarkets must be responsible for supporting and helping your customers. 
  • Build lasting relationships: You need to build lasting relationships with old customers. Because that can be a place to help you connect with many new customers. 
  • Self-development: One of the most effective ways to build a personal reputation is self-development. Improving and learning to develop yourself day by day is very important. It not only equips you with internal knowledge but also helps renew your external image.

Make a clear plan for Affiliate ICMarkets

To perform effectively, you first need to have a clear plan. To design an effective plan, you can refer to some of the following criteria: 

  • Clearly define goals: You should set yourself some clear goals such as monthly sales, expected commission level, number of new customers,… 
  • Identify the right customer file: Focus on researching and identifying potential customer files. This is an important factor that determines the final result of the plan. 
  • Application of support tools: The development of technology and artificial intelligence is a valuable resource. Must know how to seize opportunities to take advantage of modern tools to improve planning quality. 
  • Plan at the right time: You should research the “golden hour” that is suitable for your customer base to implement your plan. You should post content, information, and knowledge related to ICMarkets on many media platforms. 
  • Monitor and re-evaluate the plan: After the implementation process, there needs to be a re-evaluation plan. From there, identify and develop advantages and overcome limitations. 


With the development of technology, Affiliate ICMarkets has become an opportunity for many brokers. Besides, with support from IC Trading promises to bring great progress. Let’s join ICMarkets’ marketing program today!  

>>>See more:  ICMarkets: A leading trading platform for the financial markets


  • Who can be an ICMarkets Affiliate?

Anyone can simply sign up for an account 

  • Is there a fee to withdraw commissions?

The broker makes withdrawals of commissions to the account completely free of charge

  • Does ICMarkets support promotional tools?

ICMarkets always supports brokers with the most modern tools for effective promotion. 


Nếu bạn đã hoàn thành các bước đăng ký và gửi các giấy tờ xác minh, thì thời gian xử lí yêu cầu đăng ký ICMarkets sẽ rất nhanh. Chỉ trong vòng 24 giờ bạn sẽ sở hữu tài khoản của mình.

ICMarkets Deposit Bonus là một chương trình khuyến mãi đặc biệt của sàn Forex ICMarkets. Qua đó, sàn sẽ thưởng bạn một khoản tiền khi nạp tiền vào tài khoản.

Rebate ICMarkets là một chương trình hoàn trả phí giao dịch cho khách hàng của sàn Forex ICMarkets. Cho phép bạn nhận lại một phần phí giao dịch mà bạn đã trả cho sàn.

Mr. Thomas

Mr. Thomas

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     Advantages of ICMarkets floor

  • Year of establishment: 2007
  • License: ASIC, FSA, CySEC, SCB
  • Low commission fees
  • Spreads are extremely low
  • Many of the most advanced tools

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